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About Us

Monthly Interaction was founded in August 2007 as a monthly journal on national and international Politics. It is committed to representing Pakistan true image in front of the world. Monthly Interaction is dedicated to highlighting and helping address strategic issues which are of grave importance to Pakistan. Monthly Interaction is dedicated to informing its viewers with the latest global and national political trends and aims to bring the truth behind national and global power struggles.Monthly Interaction has had the distinct pleasure of representing Pakistan’s official stance globally, in matters of strategic importance, such as security of the nuclear assets of Pakistan and other similar matters. Monthly Interaction has also worked closely with the defenders of Pakistan in establishing the victory of Pakistan in 1965 war, during the 50th Defense Day celebrations.Monthly Interaction comprises of a team of devoted employees who are proactive and maintain a keen sight on global and national politics. It is headed by the Chief Editor who is a seasoned journalist with years of experience in Pakistan’s Politics and is considered an authority of national and international Political affairs.