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Iran-Saudi Dispute

By General (R) Mirza Aslam Beg The dispute between the two strands of Islam has existed for the last fourteen hundred years, yet they have learnt to live peacefully with…

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Seeds of Chaos / roots of terror

By William P. Rowe What is required in combating Islamic fundamentalist ideologies like ISIS, Al Qaeda, and the Taliban is a deeper understanding of them, their motives and mission, and…

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From Iraq to Syria

By John Wight Proof that the British political class hasn't learned anything after Iraq came with David Cameron's ludicrous assertion that there are 70,000 moderate rebels fighting in Syria. It…

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How Islamic State is managing to survive

By Dr. Omar Ashour The recapture by Iraqi forces from so-called Islamic State (IS) of large parts of Ramadi marks the latest territorial setback for the jihadist group following its…

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150 leaders and no one to lead

By Ari Harow An incredible gathering of around 150 world leaders took place in Paris last week. Although ostensibly traveling to the French capital to discuss climate change, Western leaders…

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Daesh is part of the Israeli army

IS (Daesh), since its inception has been accused of forwarding American and Israeli interests. Despite of this, it is considered as an organizations formed by Muslims against Non-Muslims, by the…

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Iranian leader cautions Russian president against US plan in Syria

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei told the visiting Russian President, Vladimir Putin, in Tehran that the US has a long-term plan to dominate the entire West Asian region,…

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The Islamic State’s trap for Europe

By Harleen Gambhir Last week, President Obama said that the Islamic State is “ contained ” in Iraq and Syria, but the group's attacks in Paris soon afterward showed that…

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Embarrassing and dumb

By James J Zogby “When I entered the prime minister's office for my second term, I was summoned to Washington. 'Not one brick', they told me… The pressure from the…

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Living in pitiless times – Baghdad, Beirut and Paris

By Vijay Prasha A week of horrible carnage bomb blasts in Beirut and Baghdad and then the cold-blooded shootings in Paris. Each of these acts of terror left dead bodies…

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